Arts & Crafts in Edinburgh

pixel art gif of a blue sharkBy StarSharkpixel art gif of a beige shark

So you want to make a site?

I've collected some tools/pages to help you make or improve your own website! I hope you find them useful :)

Layout Builders

a button to's websiteSadGrl.Online. Very easy to use, loved by many.

a button to neotheme's websiteNeoThemes. A couple of different layouts are available, and the layouts are mobile-friendly by default.

Feature Layouts

How To:

Design Elements

Your New Favourite Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Ctrl + A: Select All
  • Ctrl + T: New Tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen recently closed tab
  • Ctrl + W: Close Tab

Resource Credit:

I used these resources on my website: